Friday, January 29, 2010

Last Friday of the month :) 1/29/10

So 3 more days of January :) I am losing weight slowly, not as fast as I would like :(
I can not really look in the mirror and see changes, however I can wear my belt tighter. In mid month it would depend sometimes I could go down one hole smaller and then other days I would be the same hole. I started at the beginning of the month at the second hole in, know I am the 4th hole in :D I would love to be the last hole on every belt of mine :)
Maybe after I am the smallest on all my belts I can get some new ones cause maybe they will be too big :) The only problem with that is some belts I wear a S/M and some a medium. So I guess I will only be able to replace a few :P
I am still trying to decide what I will drop for February. I am staying strong with the no sweets for January :D!!! I am going to continue the no fast food for February. I am hoping to bring back in sweets in moderation. I am sweet a week?!?!?!? Sounds good to me!!!
Some Ideas I have been given for February is Soda.......I do not feel soda is a bad habit in my life. I go through spurts, mainly the summer is when I drink too much soda. I think I will save the Soda for the summer when it is a bigger problem. I have also been recommended to add healthy stuff to my diet......fruits and Vegetables. I would love to do this, only it is a little harder as I am picky!!
I was thinking for February....buying a water bottle to carry around and drinking it. Like maybe 2 water bottles a day. On the days I am home I drink water better. When I am at work and school, I barely drink water. Better yet I barely drink fluids :(
p.s. do you think 1/29/10 looks weird?!?!?!?!?! I DO!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1-24-09....January Almost over!

So January is almost over and it is EXACTLY one month till my birthday! 24 days into the new year and I am totally sucking, however I still have not had sweets or fast food except for that one piece of cheesecake!

I have not been doing Wii fit very often :( However, I am going to start back up this week. Last Thursday I went jogging for like 10 mins. Not very long to you guys, but I was tired. I am still wanting to get into the habbit of doing more excersise.

School is starting to speed up, so I am starting to have to work more on schoolwork. I am also trying to find a second job so that will take more time away from excercising. However, I will be getting more money and not being sitting around as often!

Any Ideas on how to get me more motivated on excersizing???

I am going to try and get on more often, I had some issues getting on. Aparently my twitter was having me follow people and then my G-mail was trying to have me follow people. AKA I was being three different people GAH!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan. 12th 2010

were only 12 days into the new year?!?!?!? I feel like were suppose to be farther into the new year, OH WELL!
Anyways, I have had a piece of cheescake this month but oh well. According to the wii I am losing weight slowly but I am almost in the high 130's SWEETNESS!
I am not working out as much as I would like :( I did a few crunches last week.....boy did my tummy hurt! I am trying to work my way up to 100 crunches a day or at least 3-4 times a week :) I have been cutting out workout ideas from magazines. I need to start doing them in the morning because I have been sleeping in untill 6:30 rather than waking up at 6. If i get up at 6 I can do a small workout ;D Megan and I went for a walk/jog/run today!
thanks yall!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2nd

Yesterday was the first day of the new year :)
I was not able to exercise because by the time I got home it was too late. I was not aware of what time I would be coming home!
For the month of January I have decided to cut out fast food out of my meals. This includes: soda, fast food restaurants, and microwavable meals. I have also decided to cut out candy/ sweets for the month of January. This month will be harder but its the first month!
My weight is between 140-150 so hopefully by the end of the year i will be between 110-115 BOOYAH! I will eventually put up a picture, but my Internet is slower here at my moms so it takes 20 yrs to post a picture!
I have created a workout exercise according to the wii fit plus. My exercise target for this month is my stomach! I have it where I do 2 days stomach one day of another thing. that way my other areas are still be worked but my stomach is priority right know!
Dawns story: Dawn has decided to join me in weight loss 2010! She has decided to try and lose 30lbs for the year! Her cutout for January is to cut out creamer and sugar in her coffee.